
Structural & Civil General Contracting

STI Group provides Industrial and Civil general contracting services. We provide a full range of services in this area that takes the customer directly from the early design phase of their project right through to the completed project.


Structural & Civil General Contracting

STI Group provides Industrial and Civil general contracting services. We provide a full range of services in this area that takes the customer directly from the early design phase of their project right through to the completed project. We fabricate, install and perform on site concrete construction services, demolition, mass excavation, grading, sheeting, and shoring. We have the skills and experience necessary to make your project a success on time and within budget.

We Are A Turnkey Service Provider

Our turnkey capabilities provide you with a one stop, single source contracting provider for all your Structural and Civil needs. We can assist with the design of the structural fabrication per customer requirements. We pride ourselves on being flexible and adapting to fit the needs of each particular customer as opposed to trying to fix your project within limited, existing options. From the ground up, grassroots to complete demolition, we are your sole source contractor. Some of the services we offer include:

  • Heavy Structural
  • Heavy Civil
  • Foundations
  • Pipe Supports
  • Sumps
  • Demolition

Our highly skilled craftsmen work in collaboration with your needs and can effectively communicate each phase of the project. We utilize a highly trained staff of dedicated, qualified workers who have undergone extensive training and are highly proficient in their discipline. We also emphasize safety and are careful to follow all safety regulations and guidelines and to avoid accidents. We want to maximize your productivity while minimizing your risk. Let us help you with all of your Industrial Structural Steel and Civil general contracting needs.