STI Group believes that an emphasis on safety should be at the very heart of every project we undertake. This includes the safety and well being of our own staff and workers, as well as everyone who partners with us. To further illustrate our commitment to safety we have developed 13 core principles on which we have built our safety program. These principles and the safety training and other programs that go along with each are overseen by our safety managers who are completely dedicated to ensuring a safe work environment. This emphasis on safety is also reflected in our plant turnaround services. Learn about how the STI Group maximizes the effectiveness of a turnaround while ensuring the safety of both employees and the plant itself.
Our safety managers actively take part in developing our safety related programs and in conjunction with our HSE department makes sure that all federal, state, and local safety regulations are being met. Our safety experts will also collaborate with individual clients to ensure that their own particular safety concerns and requirements are being met.
The 13 pillars on which STI Group has built its safety program are as follows:
Behavioral Based Safety Techniques – This first pillar seeks to uncover the underlying behavioral psychology that makes people behave the way they do. Once it has been determined what actions people take during the course of an activity, science-based, intervention research is then applied to help improve these behaviors and make them safer.
Environment Awareness – Removing Barriers to Safety – The first key element focuses on developing an awareness of the overall working environment itself. Once the environment has been examined closely we can then begin removing the obstacles which act as barriers to safety.
Total Involvement At All Levels of the Organization – STI Group firmly believes that for a safety strategy to be effective, it must be be adopted by everyone at all levels of the organization. Their must be a cohesive strategy for safety across all levels of employment and work environment. Instead we strive for a full, total involvement in the safety process from everyone at all levels of the organization.
Pre-job Safety Walk – Prior to beginning work we do a pre-job safety walk. This safety walk helps identify potential hazards as well as allowing for a greater familiarity with the conditions of the job site itself.
JSA/JHA – JSA refers to Job Safety Analysis while JHA refers to Job Hazard Analysis. Together JSA and JHA are carefully executed to gain information about what hazards exist at the job site and what safety steps can be taken. Our JSA and JHA is completed thoroughly and in close accordance with OSHA guidelines.
Site Audits – Just because a work site has met all of the preliminary safety criteria and is now operational does not mean that it can then be ignored from a safety standpoint. As time goes on new hazards may appear, old hazards may crop back up, or the overall safety climate might shift. As such we do site audits to ensure that everything is still running safely and smoothly.
Identification of At-Risk Employees – Not all employees are at an equal safety risk. Due to different job tasks and responsibilities as well as the individualistic nature of the workers themselves, some employees may be unknowingly taking on more risk than others. It is essential to identify the at-risk employees so that proper safety measures can be taken and problematic behavior can be corrected.
NCCER Certification & Craft Testing – NCCER is a national education foundation which develops standardized construction and maintenance curriculum. Thus a NCCER certification guarantees that individual has met knowledge and training standards. An additional layer of craft testing ensures that the person is proficient in his or her craft. This level of mastery is a vital part of guaranteeing the safety of the individual and the project that he or she is working on. We feel that knowledgeable, well-trained employees are better able to maintain standards of safety.
Drug Screening – Using illegal drugs or abusing legal medication significantly impairs a person’s judgement and puts him or her at risk for making poor, dangerous decisions. Our drug screening efforts are designed to identify employees who are abusing drugs and could therefore be putting themselves and their co-workers at risk on the job.
New Hire Orientation – Dedication to safety at the individual level starts as soon as someone new is hired. It is imperative that the new hire must instead be carefully oriented to the job site, working conditions, and safety expectations.
Approved Vendor List – Human behavior is only part of the overall safety equation. It is also very important that the materials and equipment being used also be safe and dependable. For this reason STI Group has an approved vendor list and we know that we can count on these vendors to provide us with safe, trustworthy products.
Daily Employee “Fit for Duty” Assessment – It is certainly no secret that part of the human condition is the fact that on some days you will feel quite a bit better than others. Occasional sickness and poor health are a part of life; however, when an unwell person is operating heavy machinery or otherwise working in potentially hazardous conditions, things can get dangerous quickly. That is why before our employees begin work we do a daily “Fit for Duty” assessment to make sure that the employee is up to the challenges of the job on that given day.
Continuous Supervisory Safety Training Program – Safety training is not a one-time thing. Instead it must be an on-going, continuous program to ensure that initiatives stay fresh in the individual’s mind, and also so that he or she will be updated of new developments and information. That is why STI Group has a continuous supervisory safety training program that makes safety education an on-going process.
Before profit and productivity there must be SAFETY. With these 13 pillars of safety firmly in place, STI Group feels confident in maintaining a safe environment. This strong foundation of safety and hazard-free working conditions means providing services efficiently and effectively. We will continue to be steadfast in our dedication to safety as we strive for excellence and exemplary service.