Safety is the number one priority at STI Group because we believe our employees’ and customers’ well-being is our greatest asset. Our goal is to create and maintain a culture of safety by exceeding industry standards and making safety awareness our competitive advantage. We believe in getting the job done efficiently and cost effectively, with safety at the forefront of all our processes and projects. It is this commitment to safety that makes us so excited to announce that STI Group is being honored with the 2013 CPChem Contractor Safety Excellence Award from the Chevron Phillips Chemical Company.
About the Award
The CPChem Contractor Safety Excellence Award is given out annually by Chevron Phillips Chemical Company to contractor companies that have achieved and maintained an outstanding record of safety performance while working at Chevron Phillips facilities during the calendar year for which the award is given. In order to be eligible for this distinction STI Group had to meet the following official criteria from Chevron Phillips:
- For a Facility contractor, be at or below the 2013 CPChem Corporate-Wide Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) Safety Target of 0.29 for Combined Employees and Contractors Performance for the Award Year; OR,
- For a Major Capital Project contractor, be at or below the 2013 Major Capital Project Contractor TRIR Safety Target of 0.09 for the Award Year; AND,
- Not have experienced a Recordable Injury/Illness that resulted in in-patient hospitalization with Medical Treatment Beyond First Aid at a CPChem/Affiliate Facility or Major Capital Project site.
About the Award Commemoration
STI Group will be receiving a commemorative plaque Chevron Phillips Chemical Company to mark the distinction. The award will also be officially announced by Chevron Phillips’ President & CEO on June 18, 2014 at the CPChem Contractor Safety Forum. STI Group is honored to be receiving this award in recognition of our unwavering commitment to safety. It is all the more significant to be coming from a global company like Chevron Phillips that displays a major emphasis on safety in its company culture.
STI Group will proudly accept this award as confirmation that our safety protocols and training are being recognized as exemplary status. We will also continue striving for an excellent safety record, not only with Chevron Phillips, but in every project we perform for each and every one of our customers. Safety, integrity, and excellent service are at the core of our company.