How Industrial Facilities Can Save Money With Structural Steel Platforms

December 10, 2015

At most industrial and commercial facilities space is at a premium. Over time it is common for a facility to outgrow its current structure. However, expanding the facility or moving to a new location may not be feasible for a variety of reasons. Fortunately there is a solution that can potentially not only solve a facility’s space and storage issues, but even save money in the process: structural steel platforms. Let’s take a look at some of the cost-saving advantages they offer.

Structural Steel Platforms Provide Additional Organized Space

Often times it is not necessarily that the facility does not have enough space, but rather that the space isn’t properly organized or that much of it is unusable. Structural steel platforms are fully customizable and allow for a workspace or storage area to quickly and easily be optimized for maximum efficiency, organization, and workflow. This enhanced organization allows for greater productivity at the facility.

Structural Steel Platforms Are Completely Customizable

Every facility is a little bit different with slightly different work and storage spaces. Fortunately structural steel platforms are fully customizable and can be designed to fit into just about any space. The material, weight bearing capacity, and other structural features are also fully customizable, allowing them to work with just about any type of material or equipment. The customizable nature of these platforms also helps save facilities money by allowing them to fully maximize their work spaces.

Structural Steel Platforms Have Incredible Durability

Safety and durability is also a major concern at most industrial facilities. Not only must the equipment – including platforms, ladders, and related structures – be completely safe for workers, but these structures must also be durable and able to withstand the often harsh, demanding conditions of an industrial environment. Fortunately, the high quality steel and sturdy, dependable fabrication process utilized to make the structural steel platforms yield extremely durable results. This increased durability ensures that the platforms will need to be replaced less often, thereby reducing costs.

Structural Steel Platforms Are a Great Alternative to Expansions

Perhaps the most important and considerable way that structural steel platforms can save an industrial facility money is by providing an alternative to more costly expansions and renovations. Often an effective system of structural steel platforms can double or even triple the usable space a facility has to work with, thereby eliminating the need for an expansions, or helping the facility delay one until a more appropriate point in time.

Structural Steel Platforms Are an Immediate Solution

Finally, structural steel platforms provide a much more immediate solution than a full scale renovation or expansion. These platforms can be fabricated quickly and efficiently without sacrificing quality. This allows the facility to begin reaping the rewards of more space and efficiency much more quickly. STI Group understands how important it is for our industrial clients to get durable, customized structural steel platforms as soon as possible and we work closely with our clients to ensure that every platform fully meets their needs and expectations.