An Overview of STI Group’s Services for the Oil & Gas Production Sector
Oil and gas production companies often operate on a tight margin, making both the price of oil and the costs of extraction and transport extremely important. While of course there is little companies can do to affect the price of oil, it is imperative that they get the best prices and quality possible when it […]
An Overview of STI Group’s Services for the Drilling and Upstream Sector
The creation of drilling rig equipment is an extremely technical process that requires skilled, certified craftsmen and engineers who follow engineering and manufacturing best practices. Companies like STI Group that specialize in this type of work must focus on manufacturing only the best drilling rig equipment that can be relied upon for safe, efficient work […]
A Quick Look at Some Major US Oil and Gas Shale Plays
A petroleum play, often referred to simply as a play, is a group of prospective oil or gas fields in a geographic region. The plays are linked by the geological conditions that formed them. There are several typical steps in the cycle of a play, such as initial observations of potential, testing to estimate possible […]
An In-Depth Look At The Different Types of Crude Oil
Casual discussions of crude oil often times make it seem as if there is only one type of crude oil for all uses. However, crude oil is actually recovered in a number of different physical and molecular states. It exists as light, medium, or heavy crude, and it may be dubbed “sweet” or “sour.” These […]
A Closer Look At LACT Unit Meters And Components
Lease Automatic Custody Transfer Units, or LACT Units as they are commonly abbreviated are metering equipment designed to accurately guage the volume and quality of crude oil as it changes custody from one party to another. LACT Units provide the means of correctly determining compensation, which makes them very important to both parties. A LACT […]
The Important Role LACT Units Perform In The Petroleum Industry
Crude oil and petroleum products are one of the most valuable commodities on the market. As such it is important that each and every drop be carefully and accurately measured when it is being transferred from one party to another to ensure that everyone gets the compensation that they deserve. In order to accomplish this […]
How Hydraulic Fracking Is Used And The Reasons For It
In the first two parts of this three-part series on hydraulic fracking we discussed what hydraulic fracking is, its history, and the process of how it works. This final part of the series will cover how different well types utilize hydraulic fracking as well as the reasons and uses of hydraulic fracking. What’s Hydraulic Fracking? […]
A Look At The Hydraulic Fracking Process and How It Works
In the first part of this three part article series on hydraulic fracking we provided a brief overview of the process and discussed how it has changed and developed over time. This second part will get more in-depth about the process of hydraulic fracking itself, how it works, and what fluids and equipment are needed […]
A Look At What Hydraulic Fracking Is and Its History
It is fair to say that hydraulic fracturing, often known as hydrofracturing or simply fracking, has completely revolutionized the oil and gas industry. Hydraulic fracking is used in conjunction with new technologies such as horizontal drilling to recover previously unrecoverable or uneconomic oil and gas reserves, and it is also used with conventional wells to […]
The Three Oil and Gas Energy Markets: What Is Upstream?
The oil industry is a massive, multi-faceted environment that spans a number of different processes and occupations. Because it is so complex and encompasses so much, it is divided into three distinct sections based on the steps from drilling to refinement. These three distinct subdivisions of the oil industry are: Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream. In […]